Responsible for professional integration at the INDH platform
Researcher at Hassan II University
Jordi Carrabina is the Director of the Centre for Ambient
Intelligence and Accessibility of Catalonia and is involved in
the Embedded Systems Conference Department of Microelectronics
and Electronic Systems. He has extensive knowledge and
experience in the field of Microelectronic Technology applied to
Cyber-Physical Systems and Biomedical Image Processing. He has
also conducted research on general quality indicators of
scientific research.
Some of the main quality indicators of
scientific research that Jordi Carrabina focuses on include
sexenios de investigación (research periods of six years),
doctoral theses directed, total citations, publications in the
first quartile (Q1), and the H-index. He has a keen interest in
evaluating and analyzing these indicators to measure the quality
of scientific research and its impact on society.
In addition to
these indicators, Jordi Carrabina is also interested in other
important aspects and peculiarities that affect the quality of
scientific research, such as the relevance of the research
topic, the impact on society, and the originality of the
research. He also places a high value on interdisciplinary
research and collaboration with other fields, as he believes
this can lead to new and innovative approaches to scientific
Overall, Jordi Carrabina's expertise in
Microelectronic Technology, Cyber-Physical Systems, and
Biomedical Image Processing, combined with his knowledge of
quality indicators of scientific research, make him a valuable
contributor to the fields of science and technology in
Catalonia and beyond Foundation and
+212 672-013395